Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Girls Education- An Instrument for Poverty Alleviation in the World

It has been noted that support for girl’s education has helped alot to alleviate poverty in Malawi. After Malawi adopted the celebrated Millenium Development Goals Strategies, the Malawi government and different stakeholders have implemented projects that have empowered girls and women economically and socially as well. For instance, Teen Mothers are encouraged to go back to school.
 Among the stakeholders is Youth Net & Counselling (YONECO), a local NGO that has and is still implementing projects that are aimed at empowering girls and women in all spheres of life. Among such initiatives include the provision of adult literacy education to domestic workers, school drop outs and teen mothers.Because of this initiative, a number of women and girls are now able to read and write and some have managed to venture into small and media scale businesses. As we are coming closer to the deadline of the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 many goals are far from being achieved but we must remember that education transforms lives. We, therefore, need to advocate for girls education for the development of our countries.

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