Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Let’s Condemn Child Battering

Let me share with you a case that we received through our Toll Free line in 2013 whereby a 12 year old boy was beaten up by his madrass teacher up to the extent that the boy sustained a severe wound on his  eye. We followed up the case with assistance from the police where it was learnt that the child was given that corporal punishment just because he failed to read the Quran.
 The police called the Principal of the school, the teacher, the victim and his father for a discussion. At the end they were briefed that corporal punishment is an offence and all madrass teachers had a counselling session with the police where they were sensitized on issues pertaining to child rights issues.
Let us condemn child battering, it is not good for their physical as well as their mental growth. Instead of corporal punishment, you should sit down with them and try to guide them on how they can do things properly. I would like to urge my fellow energetic young people to be the ambassadors and initiate campaigns, reporting to the rightful authorities as well as formulating child protection and rights clubs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lusungu, your case is one among many
similar scenarios and children really need all the help to grow into reliable citizens.it is hard for a child to learn when he/she is fully aware that failure to pass an exercise will call for such chastisement!