Thursday, 11 July 2013

Commemoration of 2013 World Population Day (July 11th 2013)

The World Population Day observed by the international community on 11 July is an annual event that seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989, having been inspired by the public interest on the Five Billion Day on 11 July, 1987, a date on which the world's population approximately reached five billion people. On this day, Member States focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues in the context of overall development plans and programmes, and renew their commitment to finding solutions that address population-related challenges.

This year’s World Population Day focuses on Adolescent Pregnancy. Malawi’s commemoration will highlight unplanned pregnancies among adolescents and teenagers; a challenge to socio-economic development as they impact negatively on health and education opportunities among girls.
World Population Day 2013 puts an important focus on adolescent pregnancies. The majority of pregnant girls in developing countries are married, but this doesn't mean that the decision to have a child was their own. Malawi has a high teen pregnancy rate and more importantly, teen pregnancies contribute to 20-30% of maternal deaths in the country.
By stopping child marriage, we can prevent adolescent girls getting pregnant. Keeping girls in school is effective in delaying marriage and early pregnancy, so Youth Net and Counseling (YONECO) ,UNICEF Malawi and other NGO's dealing with girls issues strives to increase the number of girls attending primary, and even more important, secondary school.

Activities marking the day are being  held today  11th July, 2013 at Dowa Community Center Ground from 9:30am. The Minister of Economic Planning and Development, Honorable Ralph Jooma, M.P. will be the Guest of Honor. Activities that will take place at the event include: displays, traditional dances, sharing of real life story on adolescent pregnancies, music, drama, poem and speeches.

As we commemorate the day, let us reflect on how we can work together as a nation to protect adolescents from pregnancies.NO CHILDREN BY CHILDREN

Some Stat for you
28 out of 100 girls in Central and Western Africa give birth by age 18. Six of them are 15 or younger.

22 out of 100 girls in South Asia give birth by age 18. Four of them are 15 or younger.

18 out of 100 girls in Latin America and the Caribbean give birth by age 18. Two of them are 15 or younger.

Globally, 19 out of 100 girls in developing countries give birth by age 18. Four of them are 15 or younger.

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