Friday, 26 July 2013

African leaders to shift HIV, malaria, poverty targets by 15years (2030)

Over time, the government is seen to be failing and have completely failed us. Despite their numerous promises, political wills, strategies and roadmaps, there is no headway to combating and reaching the goal of just a simple MDG 6; to halt and reduce the spread of AIDS, TB and Malaria. Can you predict the number of new infections of HIV, TB that will be recorded by 2030? Do you foresee the number of pregnant mothers and children that will die of Malaria? Malawi and other African countries for decades, has trudged largely behind the rest of the world, with many of our problems originating from bad leadership and corruption. Shifting timelines is the order of the day.

Youth Net and Counseling together with other organization are working hand in hand in combating the spread of HIV; mitigating the impacts of AIDS, and making sure that some of the affected people undergo counseling process. There is a lot we need to do!!  Let’s Unite and fight against AIDS/ Malaria/TB.
We young people we need to place our hands on activities that we deemed fit to create a better world for ourselves. Our leaders will not and cannot help us achieve a world with #ZeroNewInfection #ZeroStigma&Discrimination and #ZeroAIDSRelatedDeath.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice weekend to you too.