Monday, 22 January 2018

Lessons from YFM Roadshows on GBV in Mulanje

by Esnart Priminta 

Communities in Mulanje district have condemned the tendency of some men who sleep with their step and biological daughters.

This was revealed during roadshows that Youth Net and counseling-YONECO conducted in the district in raising awareness on gender based violence during the 16 days of activism against gender based violence.

According to one Mr Jabu who patronized one of the shows, men threaten their daughters to stop giving them support if they refuse to have sex with them.

On the other hand, women conceal the truth when they find their husbands sleeping with their daughters for fear of losing their marriage and the support they get from them.

Another girl from Mathambi in the district confessed of a certain family where the man sleeps with his 15-year-old step daughter but threatened the woman not to reveal to anyone saying this might lead to his arrest and the family will suffer which she obliged to.
However, this behavior is risking the lives of many girls said Mary Deston.

Deston therefore commended YONECO for conducting the awareness campaigns for this has made them to understand the gravity of the behavior and know where they can report the cases.

The shows were conducted in different parts of Mulanje including, Mathambi, Namphungo, mwanakhu, Namphungo, Mkando, Chinyama, Likhubula and Chinyama among other places. Different artists performed during the shows as one way of entertaining the audience and keeping them active throughout the shows. The artists were Blaze, Stich Fray, Phil Jay and Katelele Ching’oma.

YONECO conducted the roadshows with financial support from Action Aid through Christian Aid under the project Adolescent Girls and Young Women-AGYW.

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