Written by Simran Nota - A UK volunteer

Having spent more than a
week in Malawi, there have been many things that I’ve found shocking,
surprising and fascinating about Malawi culture; and the more I digest the
local customs, attitudes, principles and practices the more I notice large gaps
within our own society back on the little islands of the United Kingdom.
I’ll take this
opportunity to discuss these aspects that I think have been lost in the culture
of the UK, either due to our efficiency, technology or general progress. More
importantly, what we as self-professed first worlders can learn from Malawian
culture, opposed to the aspects Malawian’s can learn from our progress.
First of all I wish to
tackle the term progress and what we think of when we talk about progress. I
think, having experienced just a little of an alien culture, that the UK’s
attitude to progress is extremely limited in vision and scope; and in some
aspects have been reversed. We should no longer consider progress as a linear
path in which we subconsciously seek an attainable goal. For instance we think
of our development and progress through our technology, through our
infrastructure and predominately through our material possessions. However, for
all our laptops, tall buildings, weapons and smart phones we remain in a state
of perpetual unhappiness. Constantly seeking gratification and accumulating
wealth because we are taught that these things make us happy. All the while
Malawian culture is peaceful and happy. What is the UK doing wrong?
Having spent the last few
days living with the most welcoming of host homes, there appears to be a
feeling of bliss here. Everyone is happy! On the surface it might come across
as a simple life, but they truly are welcoming, friendly and warming to
different people; and to each other. Even in their language they possess a
rigorous introduction process that if you fail to adhere to, you will be told
and corrected. Eye contact is a must and at all times! Politeness and respect
is a necessity and something I think the UK is losing in our communities,
workplace and cities. What I mean by this is where the UK, in rules and laws,
tell people to treat each other with respect Malawians already understand this;
and is deeply ingrained within their culture. This respect and time for each
other has hope within the working class communities of the UK, but as more people
move to major urban centres such as London, Birmingham and Manchester they
don’t have the time for such introductions, respect or care, which I’ve
discovered here in Malawi. I don’t know if it’s to do with being a cynical sort
of people in general, or to do with the high speed lifestyle we have become
accustomed. Either way we have a lot to learn about how we interact with our
family, friends and strangers in the street.
We are all too busy, too
bored or too distracted for each other.
Time is an essential
resource that infects everything the UK does. We worry that we’re late, we
worry that we have enough time for breaks, Facebook and shopping; we worry
about time almost all the time; and why?
In Malawi it is much
simpler, or maybe simple is the wrong word. Maybe Malawian’s just realise that
respecting people and what other people have to say, what they do and how they
feel is far greater than material possession or wealth – things which demonstrably
don’t make us happy when we get home and our feet up. In Malawi there is little
thought given to time and keeping time. You can say we have a meeting at 9:30
and they will arrive at 10:30 unaware of the little frustrated UK faces which
welcome them on their eventual arrival. To Malawian’s it’s part of life, to us
UKV’s (United Kingdom volunteers) to turn up an hour late for a meeting will
almost certainly land you in the office of your boss, where you’re on your
knees begging to let them keep you employed. Well, maybe not that bad, but it
definitely gets noticed and usually results in a lot of ‘sorrys’. Here, it’s
all loosy goosy.
There’s an enviable ‘go
with the flow’ attitude you wish you could just in brace with open arms, but
unfortunately, my British culture demands that my hairs on the back of my neck
jolt upright and the eyes start to twitch uncontrollably. Damn you structured
public schools with your strict timetables!
Now, don’t mistake me
when I talk about these differences and come across as quite negative toward
the UK system of doing things. There is nothing wrong with punctuality, but our
attitudes and the way we perceive ourselves has, in my opinion, become so
self-indulgent and superior that it’s blinded us to the possibilities of
community solidarity and unity, especially now in the time of Brexit which we all
observed how easy it was to divide a western nation. What exactly makes us
superior to Malawian culture? I mean our goals in life are the same as theirs. We
are both human and seek happiness and a sustainable, bright future. Although,
it seems in our race for a successful and sustainable future we have given
ourselves more expectation, more effort and less time resulting in our
perpetual unhappiness, boredom and work. Most of us really do live to work and
now work to live. Malawi is different, here someone is happy just to cook you
food, speak to you and even host a foreign national for 10 weeks. They care
little for universal health care, public school and Lady Gaga. Things we have
begun to take for granted. Malawians want to know you and take actually take
the time to achieve this.
Now, I hope I’m not
guilty of caricaturing such a generous culture, this is not my intention. These
are just my thoughts that illustrate what I’ve observed from my time here.
These differences which reveal massive issues within the UK and its society. We
are losing that special soul, if you will, that is still prevalent in Malawi
communities from the household, to the office and even when you walk past
people in the street.
I feel we have a lot to
reveal to Malawi when it comes to a sustainable opportunistic future, but in
contrast Malawi has a lot to reveal to the UK in how we perceive our progress,
ourselves and what we take for granted. The reality is certainly not as binary
as we like to think between developed and undeveloped communities, it certainly
is a spectrum of factors which make up progress and human societies. The more
time I spend here the more Malawi helps me understand and question my culture
and nation as much as we are here to help Malawian’s understand and questions
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