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some of the sexual prowess drugs used |
a scribe who is dedicated to develop and enhance the lives of welfare of young
people, I thought it wise to have a chart with one of the old men who sell traditional
sex stimulant herbs, powders and some concoctions to young people.
our conversation, I learnt various vernacular brand names which the sex
stimulants are called. The old man’s stocks had names like Nkhondo Kubedi, Nthuburo,
Gondolosi, Tseketseke and Mamuna Sagonja
and many other funny names.
face value, these names tell a lot in terms of their perceived potency and the
brand names are worth tempting an individual to part with his or her hard
earned money hoping to experience
what the names suggest
old man proudly told me that over the last few years, his business of selling
these concoctions and herbs is constantly flourishing as he now has a wide
market base.
To my dismay, the business
man told me that in the past, most of his customers were old men aged fifty and
others above the age who felt that their performance in bed had reached sunset.
With a cunning smile on his face, the man told me that young people are now his
greatest customers. The old man further boasted that he serves about 20 young
males every day.
can agree with me that it is not only him who is involved in this kind of
business. There are many others in this
business across the country and this customer base shows how lucrative this
business has become because of young people below the age of 24.
the same note, there are also other foreign drugs such Viagra, Levitra and foreign
concoctions that have flooded the market in Malawi.
to some medical specialists in the field, the hype in the use of aphrodisiacs
has been attributed to a number of factors such as physiological, cultural
perceptions, peer pressure, pornography and lack of information about sexual
reproductive health among many young people.
our society defines masculinity by one’s sexual ability. Consequently, those
who feel that they are not up to the expectations resort to use drugs and herbs
to achieve this.
have been pressed to write this article by the dark and ugly sides of taking
both the traditional and imported drugs that explore ones sexual prowess
without proper consultation and prescription by qualified medical personnel.
have shown that most of these herbs and drugs can damage one’s reproductive
system, the liver as well as cause instant death to people who have
hypertension and diabetes.
people are supposed to be aware that aphrodisiacs are dangerous to their health
and it is a pity that many young people are ignorantly using sex stimulant
drugs and herbs without knowing the disastrous side effects which the trusted
concoctions have on their heath.
me implore the government and other Non- Governmental Organizations to carry
out more awareness activities to protect the healthy wellbeing of our reliable
young people.
to my fellow youths; I urge you to come out from your shells and consult
qualified medical personnel so that you should have comprehensive knowledge
about sexual reproductive health and enjoy its associated rights.
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