Wednesday, 9 April 2014

SRH&R Access Points for the Youth

A lot has been said about the need for the youth to have access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRH& R) Services.However, it is sad to note that some quarters in the society are not doing enough to ensure that the youth are indeed accessing SRH and R services as required.
The youth need to be offered enough opportunities to access and acquire SRH and R services and information either through books, the internet, radio and TV programmes, as well as ensuring that the available Youth Friendly Health Service Centers are indeed youth friendly.
The Youth have been wrongly perceived as a group of people who have a few health needs and little financial muscles to afford health services.As a result; they are exposed to HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections, unintended pregnancies that sometimes lead to unsafe abortion and its attendant consequencies.The current situation calls for awareness campaigns through the media, construction of Youth Heath Friendly Service Centers and ICT centers where the youth should be able to get information about their sexuality.
My fellow young people,  please don’t be afraid to voice out your concerns to the government, community leaders and other service providers to address the issues of SRH&R that are affecting you.

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