Stella Makhuva
from a long weekend, I opened my email account to keep myself updated on work
matters and other businesses.
reading all the important emails, I got attracted to one of the emails with a
title: Men vs. Women. I quickly thought that it was one of those chains of emails
people share with their friends and anyone in their contact list.
wanted to ignore the email but on a second thought, I opened it and read the
contents quickly. The contents of this so called ‘humorous’ email were full of
actions and expressions that portrayed men as clever, intelligent, organized,
hardworking and fearless while women were portrayed as stupid, ignorant,
disorganized, lazy, fearful and so on.
after reading it, I questioned the ‘humour’ behind the contents and I felt
anger burning in me. I got angrier at the realization that the email originated
from a woman who circulated it to over 135 people including men before it
reached me!
sent an email to the author to reason with her if she realised that the email
was degrading women but she could not take it. This was the day I realised that
much as women are trying their best to fight Gender Based Violence, some women
are busy perpetrating it.
the 16 days of Activism was initiated, women and men have been working as
partners to create awareness and promote response to GBV. The battle has not
been easy, but slowly we have seen change of behaviour in men pertaining to GBV
and many more successes achieved.
a woman, I would jealously guard the successes ensuring that, NO ONE takes us
back to those days when people believed that some women ask for abuse.
humble request to fellow women is that, we should not frustrate the efforts to
stop all forms of violence against women. We should never smile at any humour
that tends to degrade women. We should realise that, if we are in the forefront
smiling at abuse against women in whatever form it takes, we are opening
loopholes and defeating the very same cause we are fighting for. We can stop
perpetrating violence against ourselves.
as a man, I would have loved if you had told that woman to put herself for 10 minutes in the shoes of the abused woman....I am sure she would have withdrawn the email and apologize to all women...keep the fight on and on, don't give up!!!
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