Friday, 1 November 2013


Teen-age pregnancies have now become a usual feature in our society. A lot of young girls are falling pregnant due to several contributing factors like the lack of knowledge on issues pertaining to their sexuality fused with peer pressure. However, it is sad to note that in scenarios whereby a male student impregnates a girl, it is the later who faces the consequences more than her partner.
Most teen mothers think that it is the end of everything so much that they rule out the possibility of going back to school. According to statistics from The Center of Disease Control and prevention, nearly 368,000 infants were born to females aged 15-19 years in the year 2010 alone. By implication, it means that the rate of girls who drop out of school because of early pregnancies within this age range is also high.
This is not an ideal way to go and there is need to encourage these young mothers to go back to school after breastfeeding. It is also very prolific to include such girls in Advocacy Groups. Advocacy groups help to reduce school dropout rates on top of reducing early pregnancies. This is done through public outreach activities and policy efforts including facilitation of School Sexual Education Programmes and health reforms.
In this regard, their fellow students, parents, community and religious leaders as well as all members of the society should be on the forefront to encourage these teen mothers to go back to school. The society should not in any way shun them but it should rather help to raise their esteem for them to make it in life. The young mothers really need to know and understand that all is not lost and in this endeavour all they need is guidance and support.
Once these teen mothers are sent back to school they will be able to support their kids without depending on other people. Thus, they will eventually be able to support their children’s education as well there by reducing the pressure on social safety nets.
We educate teen mothers, we educate the next generation as well.

1 comment:

Donald Siyeni said...

Good gesture....we need these teen mothers on one way or another, so going back to school is really good idea..